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Celebrating the Women of Zscaler on International Women's Day

März 08, 2018 - 3 Lesezeit: Min

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we are highlighting some of the talented women here at Zscaler. Across all functions of our business, we have women with different backgrounds, passions and expertise, all of whom make a difference on a daily basis.  Meet Preeti A, Rym S and Crendal K, three outstanding Zscaler women that share with us below what inspires them and their best pieces of advice. 


Zscaler Women in Engineering: Preeti A, Software Developer


What is your role here at Zscaler and what does it entail?

As a Software Developer, I build customer facing applications. My days are filled brainstorming feasibilities, making proposals and implementing the best of technologies to deliver products that are both flexible and robust.

Which woman inspires you the most?

There is no one woman in particular who inspires me the most. Whenever I see a woman who is dedicated to achieving what she really believes in and stands up for herself, I bow down to her.

What advice would you give to a woman looking entering the world of Technology?

Do not bound yourself to a place, a title, gender or age. Your mind and a computer is all that you need to learn, to grow and to make an impact. Ride the wave.


Zscaler Women in Sales: Rym S, Regional Sales Manager



What is your role here at Zscaler and what does it entail?

As a Regional Sales Manager, I spend my days helping great customers and prospects solve the challenges that digitalization and moving to the Cloud bring to their IT organization. I do my best to ensure that Zscaler /remains a trusted partner in their transformation.

Which woman inspires you the most?

Isabelle Kocher, CEO of ENGIE and Chairman of Terrawatt Initiative is one of the women I admire the most. I am inspired by the way she is leading a new approach in energy while achieving success in a male dominated industry. She is a knight of the Legion of Honor, a knight of the French National Order of Merit, and a mother to 5 children

What advice would you give to a woman looking entering the world of Technology?

Do not hesitate to be a little pushy and never take no for an answer: no usually means not yet. Technology is like anything else: the person with the right arguments and the right presentation will always move forward so trust yourself!


Zscaler Women in Leadership: Crendal K, Vice President,Global Sales Operations




What is your role here at Zscaler and what does it entail?

Within my role of Vice President of Global Sales Operations, I am responsible for the overall productivity and effectiveness of the Global Sales organization by driving sales strategy, operational excellence, defining enablement and providing organizational leadership. 

Which Woman inspires you the most?

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and founder of Leanin.org, is one of my favorite women in the world of technology. I’m inspired by her authenticity. She has managed to achieve success in a male dominated technology world while being a great mother and wife. She has also created time to influence change in her community. 

What advice would you give to a woman looking entering the world of Technology?

Ask forgiveness, not permission: Women tend to wait for the direction or guidance when they know the right actions or course to take. Take the action! Rarely will you regret moving an initiative forward.


Around the globe, we will be celebrating the women of Zscaler, their achievements and the ways that they make a difference to our company and our industry. #InternationalWomensDay


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