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Beyond the Perimeter 2023: Context-driven Security for Enhanced Protection

März 21, 2023 - 4 Lesezeit: Min

The recent explosion of hybrid work and the massive shift of business assets and activities to the cloud have helped organizations quickly adopt a flexible way of working. IT and security teams have been relentlessly working to secure corporate data and protect users. But these changes have also dramatically expanded enterprise attack surfaces, multiplying the risk of cyberattacks to the point where they have now become ubiquitous and expected. More than a third of polled executives reported that their accounting and financial data was targeted by cybercriminals in the past year, and, and nearly 50% of executives expect an increase in cyber events in the year ahead, according to the Deloitte Center for Controllership.

One thing is abundantly clear: traditional security tools cannot handle the complexity of safeguarding enterprises in what has become a work-from-anywhere world. Additionally, the current economic situation has tightened budgets and added operational inefficiencies. In their rush to provide frictionless access to far-flung global teams, companies are unintentionally introducing security gaps. And cybercriminals are thriving by exploiting them, preying on the inherent weaknesses of traditional security solutions. Thwarting constant attacks at every possible entry point is overwhelming SecOps teams, and the friction of manual access management and troubleshooting for an ever-evolving workforce is wearing out IT teams.

Something has to change.

To succeed, enterprises need reliable end-to-end protection for all their users, apps, and assets. They need a modern security stack that can handle today’s complex, evolving threatscape without impeding user access and workflows in a competitive business environment. And IT and security teams need full visibility into who is attempting access at all times, so they can isolate risks before they become security situations, and ultimately secure the enterprise without adding friction. 

What enterprises need is context: the ability to look beyond a user’s credentials and supply critical details like user location, device posture, and network connection, providing more informed real-time assessments that teams can compare to existing threat intelligence to make smarter access decisions.

Luckily, there is a solution for that.

Join Zscaler and CrowdStrike for Beyond the Perimeter 2023, the third edition of our virtual event series, on April 11 (North America), April 12 (EMEA), and April 13 (Asia Pacific). Attendees will see firsthand how Zscaler and CrowdStrike join forces to give customers the critical context they need to make smarter access decisions without adding unnecessary friction. In this virtual two-hour event, we will show the deep integration between the Zscaler and CrowdStrike platforms that makes this possible. 




Join us for a special fireside chat curated by Punit Minocha, EVP, Corporate and Business Development, where you will hear first-hand customer stories from Edward Jones and Wipro on how they implemented a cloud-first cybersecurity strategy for reducing the attack surface and securing the endpoints. They will be joined by CrowdStrike and Zscaler experts onstage to share best practices for making zero trust a reality. 

Through lively discussions and engaging demos, Beyond the Perimeter 2023 will give participants a deeper understanding of the Zscaler-CrowdStrike integration. They will learn how these two best-of-breed platforms work together to provide context-aware security through: 

Partnership: Deep integrations of our best-in-breed platforms enable high-fidelity telemetry sharing and seamless real time information exchange.

Prevention: Customers can leverage AI and machine learning to parse this data and stop known and unknown cyberthreats, in real time, at any scale.

Protection: The seamless integration shrinks your attack surface, prevents lateral movement, expedites or automates response, and reduces risk.

The rush to enable a work-from-anywhere landscape has left many organizations vulnerable; it can be dangerous beyond the perimeter. But CrowdStrike and Zscaler provide a next-generation security standard, focused on context-driven security that is bringing zero trust’s promise to life for customers like you. 

Join us at Beyond the Perimeter 2023 this April 11, 12, or 13 and see firsthand how CrowdStrike and Zscaler work together to provide the detailed real-time context that makes true zero trust security a reality without impeding productivity. 

If you’re ready to leverage the power of context to reduce risk, increase operational efficiency, and secure your enterprise against today’s cyberthreats, register now!

We would love to see you there!




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