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Zscaler at Microsoft Build

Mai 19, 2023 - 2 Lesezeit: Min

Conference Overview

Microsoft Build is an annual developer conference (hybrid format event with on-the-ground and digital presence) that provides excellent insight into various Microsoft cutting-edge technologies. This event is designed to help developers, students, engineers, and technology professionals to learn more about Microsoft products, associated technologies, and Microsoft partner ecosystems. Taking place at the Seattle Convention Center, Washington, the Microsoft build event is scheduled for May 23rd and will end on May 25th. Pre-day workshops will begin on the 22nd. 


Zscaler at Microsoft Build 2023

We are proud to sponsor the Microsoft Build conference. Our theme for the Microsoft Build event this year is ‘Build, Deploy and Run Secure apps with Zscaler Posture Control’  We plan to showcase several new innovations at the Microsoft Build event.


Technology Showcase

We invite you to our booth #321 (third floor) and interact with leaders and experts to learn how we help to manage cyber-risks in the ever-increasing threat landscape with a platform approach. We offer exciting swag just for meeting with the on-ground team during the event and booking a personalized on-site Zscaler Posture Control demo. You may also explore Microsoft Build online.


Breakout and Demo session: 

You can watch the Zscaler Posture Control breakout session plus demos or talk to our experts onsite 


Breakout session

Level-Up Your Cloud-native Security - In this session, Matt Barrett and David Glading from Zscaler will explain how CNAPP with advanced risk correlation can help security teams effortlessly identify and fix critical incidents.


Posture Control demos


  • Shift-left with Posture Control: Learn about Zscaler Posture Controls' integrated approach to embed security across the development lifecycle
  • Prioritize risk with Posture Control:  Learn how to eliminate noise, uncover, and prioritize hidden risks and accelerate remediation with Posture Control


Not attending Microsoft Build this year? Explore Posture Control to see how it gives you 360-degree visibility and control to protect all your cloud resources. You can also start your Free security assessment here.


If you haven’t yet registered for the event you can register here

We look forward to seeing you at Microsoft Build. 

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