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In its report on Zscaler, AV-TEST uses the “P” word

Mai 19, 2016 - 2 Lesezeit: Min

The Zscaler engineering team runs incredibly rigorous testing and analysis on the Zscaler infrastructure. We know exactly how much traffic we’re securing for our clients (1.4 trillion transactions last quarter). We know how many times we blocked malicious content in that same timeframe (seven billion), and we know how many policies we enforced (46 billion). We know our rates and speeds, availability, user experience, and so much more. It’s incumbent upon us to know, at all times, how well we’re protecting customers, and we do.

But sharing such statistics can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, by claiming that we’re practically perfect in malware detection, we may sound eminently capable, the preferred provider. On the other hand, we could just as easily sound like blowhards, making claims and meriting skepticism…or worse.

So it’s gratifying when another organization describes us in such terms. Especially an independent and esteemed research organization like AV-TEST. After testing the Zscaler platform on malware detection and blocking capabilities, AV-TEST reported:




 “In the blocking of malicious content, Zscaler achieved a near perfect result.”



Don’t look at us. We didn’t say it.

AV-TEST has been a steady and important voice in antivirus for more than 15 years. Based in Germany, AV-TEST employs a team of 30 IT specialists who evaluate products based on a variety of criteria. In Zscaler’s case, our platform was evaluated for static (signature-based), heuristic, and dynamic detection for protection against known and unknown threats. The static files consisted of 11,567 malicious executable files (“prevalent malware”) and the dynamic tests were performed using 6,049 working malicious URLs.

The tests included static and dynamic URL filtering capabilities, phishing and social engineering detection, malware detection and protection, sandbox detection of portable executable files (also known as “prevalent malware”), and our false-positive rate, which refers to incorrectly identifying malware and vulnerabilities; in this case, you want a low score.

Zscaler received top marks in all of these testing categories, with:

  • 99.11% detection of all malicious threats
  • 99.91% sandbox detection rate
  • 100% phishing detection rate
  • 0.11% rate of false-positives

Every security company on the planet makes claims about its ability to detect or defend against threats using words like “unrivaled,” “leading” and “game-changing.” 

We’d rather have our customers and independent experts like AV-TEST give us their opinion.  For many of our customers, WE ARE their secure Internet.  We take this responsibility very seriously and continually strive to earn their trust every day.

Read the full report

Learn about Zscaler Advanced Threat Protection: www.zscaler.com/technology/cloud-sandbox

If you’re aiming for 100% protection, you need a 100% cloud solution.

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