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Helping our customers protect their employees during the coronavirus emergency

Februar 02, 2020 - 1 Lesezeit: Min

It is devastating to watch the coronavirus updates coming in from overseas. I’m sure you are aware that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the coronavirus a global health emergency. The situation is impacting many of our customers who are asking their employees to work at home, and several of them have reached out, asking for help as they try to protect the health of their employees while maintaining some semblance of business continuity.

We want to do whatever we can with Zscaler technology to help our affected customers manage this crisis. For customers, we are offering free subscriptions to Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) for their employees based in China. This includes premium support and our deployment advisory service to help them quickly deploy the cloud service to their China-based workforce. This will enable our customers to handle the sudden surge in employees working from home by giving them secure access to the applications they need to do their jobs, helping them to better protect their employees by limiting their exposure to the coronavirus.

These are unprecedented times when everyone needs to come together and think about how they can help for the collective good. Zscaler will continue to support customers whenever possible to help them get through health crises, natural disasters, and other emergencies.

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