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Five sessions you won't want to miss at Zenith Live 2019

Juli 30, 2019 - 4 Lesezeit: Min

You know that feeling when you get a message about an extra ticket to the game—but you open the message a day too late? Or when your co-workers go out for happy hour and you stay behind at work only to see their hilarious pictures the next morning. It all leads to a feeling that’s become familiar, especially in the age of social media: FOMO, the fear of missing out.

If you experienced any FOMO last year after missing the Zenith Live Cloud Summits in Las Vegas and London—the only events dedicated to secure cloud transformation—here’s an easy way to avoid that feeling again. Come to Zenith Live 2019 in Las Vegas and Lisbon, Portugal, starting in September.

If you did attend last year, there are plenty of good reasons to attend again.

Zenith Live 2019 will be an entirely new event, with more speakers, sessions, and training labs—and we’ll be making some exciting announcements. Zscaler leaders, customers, partners, and industry-leading guest speakers are on deck, ready to share best practices, inspiring real-world experiences, deep-dive sessions, one-on-one assistance, and much more.

There will be nearly three dozen informative sessions waiting for you at Zenith Live 2019. Here’s a look at a few of them.


Why ZTNA Spells the End of the Remote Access VPN and Much, Much More

One of the hottest topics in the industry is a concept called zero trust network access (ZTNA) and how it can be used to secure today’s cloud-first environments. In this session, you will learn how ZTNA frees organizations from the grip of legacy VPN inbound gateway stacks and firewall appliances. You’ll also hear why Gartner believes that 60 percent of enterprises will replace VPN with ZTNA by 2023.


What's New with Zscaler Private Access

Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) is Zscaler’s fastest-growing product. ZPA ensures that only authorized users and devices have access to specific internal applications by creating a secure segment of one. Rather than relying on physical or virtual appliances, ZPA uses lightweight software to connect apps and users to the Zscaler Security Cloud, where the brokered microtunnels are stitched together in the location closest to the user. Join this session to learn about new ZPA features and how they enable zero trust access.


What's New with Zscaler Internet Access

Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) is a full outbound security stack offered as a service from the world’s largest security cloud, providing all the in-depth protection an organization will ever need. Join this session find out how the Zscaler team has enhanced ZIA during the past year. Attendees will participate in an in-depth discussion about the latest ZIA security innovations, new service features, and the overall product direction.


Applying AI/ML to 70 Billion Transactions a Day for Better Security and Performance

Machine learning is an incredibly effective tool within Zscaler because of the marriage of Zscaler’s deep security domain knowledge and the TrustPath team’s industry-leading machine learning expertise, along with the vast amount of data the Zscaler cloud processes every day. Take a deep dive into the ways that Zscaler is leveraging the latest technology to provide better security coverage, and learn why, and how, machine learning and artificial intelligence improve the user experience and reduce costs.


An Architect’s Guide to Securing Access to Multiclouds

The majority of enterprises are running their private applications on a variety of infrastructures—from traditional data center hardware to public cloud, and IaaS providers like Azure and AWS. In fact, about 50 percent of enterprises have deployed two or more cloud providers, so they must be able to manage and secure access to applications across multiple providers. In this session, learn how Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) and Zscaler App (Z App) provide seamless access in hybrid and multicloud environments.

That’s just the beginning, so take a look at the full agenda for Las Vegas and Lisbon. These sessions allow you to immerse yourself in the collective knowledge of leading network and security experts, industry visionaries, and cloud pioneers. You will also be able to engage with peers to exchange ideas and experiences, shape your cloud journey and set it in motion.

After these sessions, the keynotes, social events, meetings with experts, partner pavilion, and certification training, you can expect to leave Zenith Live with new skills to help you drive a secure cloud transformation, and new insights to empower your organization to deliver greater value to customers’ lives and businesses.

We’re all on a path to a better future. It will be enabled by digital technologies that are secured in the cloud and empowered by you.

That seems like more than enough reason to attend—and avoid another case of FOMO.

Register today.

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Gerry Festa is vice president of product marketing at Zscaler


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