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Carter Busse

CIO, Workato

Carter Busse is the CIO of Workato, where he leads business technology and the internal usage of Workato’s automation platform. His thought leadership has been quoted in Business Insider, Quartz, CIO Dive, VentureBeat, and more. As an IT executive, Carter has seen success in both private and public companies with a career spanning 3 IPOs - Excite@Home, Salesforce,com, and MobileIron. He was employee number 70 and the first IT leader hired at Salesforce.com. His leadership expertise spans automation, business technology, security, and IT operations. Current projects include using NLP to improve the employee experience, and driving security automations to new levels at Workato.  In 2022 he was recognized as the top 50 CIOs by Forbes and awarded the BayArea CIO Corporate Orbie award.

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