Our approach

We are committed to minimizing our impact on the planet and supporting our customers to reach their environmental goals by providing a security cloud that is less energy- and emissions-intensive than legacy point product security solutions.

By embedding efficiency in our product design, powering our cloud platform with 100% renewable energy since 2021, and maintaining carbon neutrality since 2022, we enable our customers to securely accelerate digital transformation while helping them achieve their own environmental objectives.

Efficient Architecture

Environmentally conscious security architecture

Switching to Zscaler from on-premises solutions can help organizations lower their environmental impacts, including IT waste, energy consumption, and carbon footprint.

Environmentally conscious security architecture

To understand the holistic environmental impacts and benefits of the Zscaler platform vs. on-premises cybersecurity solutions, we worked with a third-party environmental expert to conduct a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) following ISO principles. The LCA study compared the impacts of the resources required for one year of use of Zscaler’s ZIA™ and ZPA™ products with the impacts of on-premises solutions providing equivalent cybersecurity functionality for a specified number of users.


This cradle-to-grave analysis focused on carbon intensity and examined phases of the value chain. The results show that the Zscaler solution can deliver significant hardware reduction and energy efficiency over on-premises solutions. 


For more information on the approach of the study and results, please see our 2022 ESG Report.

Cloud security enhances climate resilience

If any region or data center experiences an outage, our dynamic failover capabilities keeps businesses secure during extreme events, minimizing disruption.

Climate Goals

Carbon neutrality, with a net zero goal by 2025

In addition to powering our cloud and offices with 100% renewable energy, we have addressed our Scope 1 and Scope 3 activities by purchasing carbon offsets to match the metric tons of carbon emitted.


We recognize that the use of offsets is not the end goal, and deeper reductions are necessary. That is why we have set a goal to reach net zero for our Scope 1 and 2 emissions covering our operations by 2025. 


To align our climate approach with global efforts and better support our customers’ sustainability initiatives, we have committed to develop a science-based target, in line with the global goal to limit global warming to well below 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels. In late 2023, we initiated that process with Science Based Targets initiative and are working toward an approved goal.

Carbon neutrality, with a net zero goal by 2025

Emissions Data

Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Emissions for calendar year 2023

(Metric tons CO2e)


Scope 1


Natural gas used to heat offices

Scope 2


Indirect emissions associated with purchased electricity in offices and co-located data centers

Scope 2

(after applying 
purchased EAC/RECs)

Purchased environmental attribute certificates (EACs)/renewable energy credits (RECs)

Scope 3


Purchased goods and services, business travel, employee commuting, use of product

Scope 1 + 2 + 3 (Location-based)


View our GHG inventory verification statements for calendar year 2023.
For additional detail, please see our CDP response


*Does not include the application of voluntarily purchased carbon offsets certified to the Verified Carbon Standard to cover 100% of the Scope 1 and 3 emissions categories


Securing trust


Enabling possibility for people

Our Impact
Our Impact

Securing trust